Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fairytale pictures....

While in Utah visiting family I decided to do some pictures of Sami and Lily at the Garden Park Ward. I have done pictures here with the boys before and I LOVE THIS PLACE! Kamille came a long to help with the girls and help hold my lighting modifiers (I couldn't have done the pics without her). We started around 10 am which isn't the best for lighting but we found some places that worked. I wanted to do a fantasy theme since I have had these dresses for years for my business and I held on to them when I sold most of my props hoping that someday Sami would fit in them and little did I know I had Lily coming along, they were the perfect size for both of them. I made their crowns out of starched lace and spray paint. Now I have to decide which ones I want to blow up for my displays in my house.

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