Wednesday, October 17, 2012

We have a teenager....

Hunter is now 13...I can't believe it! In some ways it seems like it has been a while but in others it has gone so fast. I have to keep myself from hyperventilating just thinking that in a little over five years Hunter will be leaving on a mission. When you are in the thick of raising your kids it is amazing at how fast and short of a time we have with our children before they leave home. Hunter is special to us, he made us parents. Hunter is such a good boy who tries very hard to do what is right. Yes, he has his "moments" but honestly he is growing into a very mature, thoughtful young man and we are so blessed to be his parents. Hunter is really into Bear Grylls (Man vs Wild) everything. He likes to get grossed out watching him eat nasty things and survive on his show. I think Hunter would like there to be a Zombie Apocalypse someday so he can test out his survival skills. Hunter has even assembled a zombie apocalypse survival kit that is tucked away under his bed in case it should ever happen. Hunter is a good student, he tries to do well in his classes. Hunter's English teacher recently told him that she thinks he he should become a writer because he is so detailed and talented with his story telling. He was very excited about that. Hunter ran cross-country this year for Straub Middle School. We are proud of him for trying so hard and making the commitment to do this, it was not easy for him. Hunter is so helpful at home with his siblings. He is always willing to watch the kids so John and I can go on a date night or grocery shopping. This has been a blessing for us. We love you Hunter!!!

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