Friday, January 4, 2013

Paintball with Napoleon

Hunter was almost 4 when the movie "Napoleon Dynamite" came out, and he has quoted the movie ever since. He has an amazing memory and can hear things once and repeat them verbatim back. We have heard a lot of Napoleon at our house through the years. When we moved to Oregon and he wasn't so excited we told him that Napoleon Dynamites parents lived in our ward and I think it made it a little easier of a move from Colorado. He has been waiting for Jon Heder (Napoleon) to come home and visit his parents anxiously for almost 3 years. John and the boys play paintball with the Shorts and Sister Short is Jon Heder's older sister (you following?). Well for a couple of weeks before Christmas Hunter was told that Jon Heder was going to be playing paintball the Saturday before Christmas and Hunter was EXCITED to say the least. He had a blast. John said Jon was great with all the kids. Ryan was team captain for one round and got to pick who would be on his team...who do you think he picked first? Yep, Napoleon. Here are some pics John took with his phone...Napoleon grew a stash and they got photo bombed!

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