Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Convo with Sami...

I am laying in bed with Sami while she is falling asleep, our conversation a few minutes ago...
Me: I love you Sami.
Sami: I love you too Mom, I'm so glad I was sent to you.
Me: you're so glad you were sent to me? ( I had to clarify...this was getting "deep")
Sami: yes, Heavenly Father sent me to you...and dad, because he loves me.
Me: Heavenly Father sent you to me? (seriously deep, I think I might cry)
Sami: ..and Jesus, because he loves me.
Me: yes Sami, Heavenly Father and Jesus love you very much.
....and she was out in a couple of minutes...I am seriously lucky!...I love my kids!

1 comment:

mommag said...

Wow. That is deep for someone so young. Those few "pay days" we get as parents make it all soooo worth it.